不小心又是一首 Lewis Capaldi 的歌了 (笑
收錄在他 2017 年的專輯 BLOOM EP 裡
一樣是一首非常適合 Lewis 聲線的悲情歌曲哈哈
For every second you've been talking 妳在說話的每一秒鐘
I've been trying to count the lines around your face 我都在試著細數妳臉上的各種線條
Cause I don't know if I'll ever be this close again 因為我不知道我以後還能不能再靠這麼近
I feel like I'm just wasting time before you pull the trigger 我覺得我只是在妳扣板機前浪費時間
It's the drawing of the line, it's my ghost you're going to give up 妳即將放棄的就是在畫著的那些線,和我的鬼魂
Got your made up mind it hurts to see you're alright 收到了妳已經做好的決定,看到妳沒事的樣子讓我很受傷
When I'm not alright 當我無法沒事的時候
So if you're calling it a night 所以如果妳說這是個夜晚的時候
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, you're breaking my heart 對我有點憐憫之心,妳正在傷我的心
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, I'm falling apart 對我有點憐憫之心,我正在變得支離破碎
Have mercy, my heart 請有點憐憫之心吧,我的心
I felt you slip away so slowly 我感覺到妳慢慢從我手中溜走
I lost my grip a little more each time we touched 我們的每次觸碰,妳都離我更遠一點
I've got no hope, I guess I'll never get it back again 我沒有希望,我猜我永遠都無法讓它變回原狀
Felt like I was just wasting time before you pulled the trigger 我覺得我只是在妳扣板機前浪費時間
It's the drawing of the line, it's my ghost you're going to give up 妳即將放棄的就是在畫著的那些線,和我的鬼魂
Got your made up mind it hurts to see you're alright 收到了妳已經做好的決定,看到妳沒事的樣子讓我很受傷
When I'm not alright 當我無法沒事的時候
So if you're calling it a night 所以如果妳說這是個夜晚的時候
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, you're breaking my heart 對我有點憐憫之心,妳正在傷我的心
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, I'm falling apart 對我有點憐憫之心,我正在變得支離破碎
And I just don't know how we got 我只是無法理解為什麼我們會走到這一步
So wrong, for so long 這麼不對勁、持續了這麼久
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, mercy my heart 對我有點憐憫之心,憐憫我的心
Somehow I can't let go 不知道為什麼我沒辦法放下
But I know I've been holding on too long 但我知道我已經堅持太久了
Somehow I can't let go 不知道為什麼我沒辦法放下
But I know I've been holding on too long 但我知道我已經堅持太久了
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, you're breaking my heart 對我有點憐憫之心,妳正在傷我的心
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, I'm falling apart 對我有點憐憫之心,我正在變得支離破碎
And I just don't know how we got 我只是無法理解為什麼我們會走到這一步
So wrong, for so long 這麼不對勁、持續了這麼久
Oh please have, have mercy 請有點憐憫之心吧
Have mercy on me, mercy my heart 對我有點憐憫之心,憐憫我的心
Oh mercy my heart 憐憫我的心吧
不過我還是比較喜歡他的 Before You Go 一點>__<
想聽 Lewis Capaldi 其他歌的話連結在這裡~
One 請點這邊
Before You Go 請點這邊