由 Anna (Kristen Bell), Olaf (Josh Gad), Elsa (Idina Menzel), Kristoff 和 Sven (Jonathan Groff) 一起唱的這首歌
是 Frozen 2 裡的歌曲


Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder 是的,風變的有一點冷了
And we're all getting older 而我們都長大了
And the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeze 雲跟著每次秋天的微風不斷前行
Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer 南瓜變成堆肥

And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser 而我的葉子變的更悲傷也更聰明一點

That's why I rely on certain certainties 這就是為為什麼我仰賴某些確定的事物
Yes, some things never change 是的,有些事情永遠不會變
Like the feel of your hand in mine 像是你的手在我手裡的感覺
Some things stay the same 有些事情永遠不會變

Like how we get along just fine 就像我們如何愉快的相處

Like an old stone wall that'll never fall 就像一座從來不會倒下的老石牆
Some things are always true 有些事情永遠都是那樣
Some things never change 有些事情永遠不會變
Like how I'm holding on tight to you 就像我會好好的珍惜你

The leaves are already falling 葉子已經開始凋落
Sven, it feels like the future is calling 感覺像未來已經在呼喚我們了,Sven

(as Sven)
Are you telling me tonight you're gonna get down on one knee? 你是在跟我說你今晚就要求婚了嗎?

(as himself)
Yeah, but I'm really bad at planning these things out 對,但我真的很不會做這些計畫
Like candlelight and pulling of rings out 例如燭光和拿出戒指

(as Sven)
Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me 也許你應該把所有浪漫的部分交給我安排

(as himself)
Yeah, some things never change 是的,有些事情永遠不會變
Like the love that I feel for her 就像我對她的愛
Some things stay the same 有些事情永遠不會變
Like how reindeers are easier 像馴鹿就是比較好懂
But if I commit and I go for it 但如果我承諾並孤注一擲
I'll know what to say and do 我就會知道該說些什麼、做些什麼
Right? 對吧?

(as Sven)
Some things never change 有些事情永遠不會變

(as himself)
Sven, the pressure is all on you 重責大任就交給你了,Sven

The winds are restless 風不斷的刮
Could that be why I'm hearing this call? 這會是我聽到那個呼喚的原因嗎?
Is something coming? 有什麼要來了嗎?
I'm not sure I want things to change at all 我不確定我想不想要事情有所改變
These days are precious 這些日子很珍貴
Can't let them slip away 不能讓它們從手心溜走
I can't freeze this moment 我不能將這個當下凍結
But I can still go out and seize this day 但我能好好把握每一天

The wind blows a little bit colder  風變的有一點冷了

And you all look a little bit older 而你看起來長大了一點

It's time to count our blessings 是時候該好好感謝我們所擁有的事物

Beneath an autumn sky 在這個秋天的天空底下

We're always living in kingdom aplenty 我們一直都住在這個富饒的王國裡
That stands for the good and the many 代表著豐富的好資源

And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly 我答應你 Arendelle 的旗幟會永遠飄揚

Our flag will always fly 我們的旗幟會永遠飄揚

Our flag will always fly (Our flag will always fly) 我們的旗幟會永遠飄揚 (我們的旗幟會永遠飄揚)

Some things never change 有些事情永遠不會變
Turn around and the time has flown 轉個圈時間就飛逝了
Some things stay the same 有些事情永遠不會變
Though the future remains unknown 雖然未來仍是未知
May our good luck last 願我們的好運仍在
May our past be past 揮別我們的過去
Time's moving fast, it's true 是的,時光飛逝
Some things never change 有些事情永遠不會變

And I'm holding on tight to you 而我會好好珍惜你

Holding on tight to you 好好珍惜你

Holding on tight to you 好好珍惜你

Holding on tight to you 好好珍惜你

I'm holding on tight to you 我會好好珍惜你


大家有看過 Frozen 2 了嗎?

    創作者 Melice 的頭像


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