這首是 Beyoncé 之前和饒舌歌手 Kendrick Lamar 攜手合作推出的 Freedom,具有節奏感的旋律配上 Beyoncé 有力的聲音真的很動人~~

也因為最近美國 #Blacklivesmatter  的倡議和運動讓這首歌再次受到大家的關注,希望以後世界可以是一個更和平和包容的地方 :(


Tryna rain, tryna rain on the thunder 試著在雷聲中下起滂沱大雨
Tell the storm I'm new 向風暴證明我還很新
I'ma walk, I'ma march on the regular 我要繼續大步往前
Painting white flags blue 把白旗漆成藍色
Lord forgive me, I've been running 上天原諒我吧,我一直在奔跑著
Running blind in truth 為了真相而奔走
I'ma rain, I'ma rain on this bitter love 我將要把雨下在這苦澀的愛上
Tell the sweet I'm new 告訴甜美我還很新

I'm telling these tears, "Go and fall away, fall away" 「流出去吧、流下吧」我要這樣告訴這些眼淚
May the last one burn into flames 希望最後一滴能燃燒成烈焰


Freedom! Freedom! I can't move 自由、自由 我無法移動
Freedom, cut me loose! 自由、放我自由吧
Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? 自由、自由,你在哪裡?
Cause I need freedom too! 因為我也需要自由呀
I break chains all by myself 我全靠自己掙脫鎖鏈
Won't let my freedom rot in hell 不會讓我的自由在地獄腐爛
Hey! I'ma keep running 嘿,我將會繼續奔跑
Cause a winner don't quit on themselves 因為贏家從不放棄自己


I'ma wade, I'ma wave through the waters 我將涉水而行
Tell the tide, "Don't move" 告訴潮汐「不要移動」
I'ma riot, I'ma riot through your borders 我將用暴動掙脫你的邊界
Call me bulletproof 叫我刀槍不入吧
Lord forgive me, I've been runnin' 上天原諒我吧,我一直在奔跑著
Runnin' blind in truth 為了真相而奔走
I'ma wade, I'ma wave through your shallow love 我將涉水、我將涉水走過你膚淺的愛
Tell the deep I'm new 告訴深度我還很新


I'm telling these tears, "Go and fall away, fall away" 「流出去吧、流下吧」我要這樣告訴這些眼淚
May the last one burn into flames 希望最後一滴能燃燒成烈焰


Freedom! Freedom! I can't move 自由、自由 我無法移動
Freedom, cut me loose! 自由、放我自由吧
Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? 自由、自由,你在哪裡?
Cause I need freedom too! 因為我也需要自由呀
I break chains all by myself 我全靠自己掙脫鎖鏈
Won't let my freedom rot in hell 不會讓我的自由在地獄腐爛
Hey! I'ma keep running 嘿,我將會繼續奔跑
Cause a winner don't quit on themselves 因為贏家從不放棄自己


Ten Hail Marys, I meditate for practice 說十次萬福瑪麗亞(美國口語的使出渾身解數),再加上冥想
Channel nine news tell me I'm movin' backwards 轉了九台新聞都在說我在退步
Eight blocks left, death is around the corner 隔著八個街口,死亡就在轉角
Seven misleadin' statements 'bout my persona 七條關於我人格的誤導敘述
Six headlights wavin' in my direction 六頂大燈照像我的方向
Five-o askin' me what's in my possession 五點鐘問我持有什麼
Yeah I keep runnin', jump in the aqueducts 沒錯,我繼續奔跑,越過高架橋
Fire hydrants and hazardous 消防栓和未知的尾顯
Smoke alarms on the back of us 煙霧警報器在我們身後響著
But mama don't cry for me, ride for me 但媽媽不要為我哭泣,支持我吧
Try for me, live for me 為我奮力一搏吧、為我活下來吧
Breathe for me, sing for me 為我呼吸、為我歌唱
Honestly guidin' me 指引我
I could be more than I gotta be 我可以比我將要成為的更好
Stole from me, lied to me, nation hypocrisy 從我身上偷去、對我說謊,國家的虛偽
Code on me, drive on me 為我編碼、開過我
Wicked, my spirit inspired me 真聰明,我的精神啟發了我自己
Like yeah, open correctional gates in higher desert 就像是、在更高的階層打開了一個校正的大門
Yeah, open our mind as we cast away oppression 在我們逃離壓制的同時打開我們的心門吧
Yeah, open the streets and watch our beliefs 解放街頭然後見證我們的信念
And when they carve my name inside the concrete 而當他們在混擬土刻上我的名字時
I pray it forever reads 我希望它永遠讀起來像


Freedom! Freedom! I can't move 自由、自由 我無法移動
Freedom, cut me loose! 自由、放我自由吧
Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? 自由、自由,你在哪裡?
Cause I need freedom too! 因為我也需要自由呀
I break chains all by myself 我全靠自己掙脫鎖鏈
Won't let my freedom rot in hell 不會讓我的自由在地獄腐爛
Hey! I'ma keep running 嘿,我將會繼續奔跑
Cause a winner don't quit on themselves 因為贏家從不放棄自己


What you want from me? 你想在我身上得到什麼?
Is it truth you seek? 你尋尋覓覓的是真相嗎
Oh, Father, can you hear me? 噢天父,你聽的到我嗎?
What you want from me? 你想要什麼?
Is it truth you seek? 你尋尋覓覓的是真相嗎
Oh, Father, can you hear me? 噢天父,你聽的到我嗎?
Hear me out 請聽我的心聲吧
"I had my ups and downs 我有過我的起伏
But I always find the inner strength to pull myself up 但我總是在我身上找到內在的力量重新振作
I was served lemons, but I made lemonade" 他們給我檸檬,但我做出了檸檬汁。
最後一段說做出了檸檬汁的聲音是 Jay Z 的曾祖母 Hattie White 在她 90 大壽時的一段致詞,放在這首歌的最後真的好有感觸T_T


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Beyonce 的其他作品~

Beyoncé, Shatta Wale, Major Lazer - Already

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