最近常在那種人氣排行榜上聽到,一查才發現這是 2015 年就推出的歌!最近好像是因為 tik tok 紅起來的!(超級神奇)




You call me on the telephone, you feel so far away 你用手機打給我,你聽起來好遙遠
You tell me to come over, there's some games you want to play 你叫我過去找你,你想玩些遊戲
I walk into your house, nobody's home 我走進你家,沒人在家
It's just me and you, you and me alone 只有你和我,你和我兩個人獨處


We're just playing hide and seek 我們只是玩著捉迷藏
It's getting hard to breathe under the sheets with you 和你在床單下連呼吸都那麼困難
I don't want to play no games 我不想再玩遊戲了
I'm tired of always chasing, chasing after you 總是在你身後追逐著好累啊


I don't give a fuck about you anyways 反正我也不在乎你
Who ever said I give a shit about you? 誰說我在乎你了?
You never share your toys or communicate 你從來不和我分享你的玩具或是和我聊天
I guess I'm just a play date to you 我猜我只是你打發時間的約會對象


Wake up in your bedroom and there's nothing left to say 在你臥房醒來,卻已經無話可說
When I try to talk you're always playing board games 當我試著和你聊天你總是在玩些棋類遊戲
I wish I had monopoly over your mind 我多希望能獨佔你的思緒
I wish I didn't care all the time 我希望我不要總是這麼在乎


We're just playing hide and seek 我們只是玩著捉迷藏
It's getting hard to breathe under the sheets with you 和你在床單下連呼吸都那麼困難
I don't want to play no games 我不想再玩遊戲了
I'm tired of always chasing, chasing after you 總是在你身後追逐著好累啊


I don't give a fuck about you anyways 反正我也不在乎你
Who ever said I give a shit about you? 誰說我在乎你了?
You never share your toys or communicate 你從來不和我分享你的玩具或是和我聊天
I guess I'm just a play date to you 我猜我只是你打發時間的約會對象


Ring around the rosy  脹紅了臉,
I never know, I never know what you need 我從來不知道你需要什麼
Ring around the rosy, I want to give you, want to give you 脹紅了臉,我想要給你、想要給你
What you need 你需要的


I don't give a fuck about you anyways 反正我也不在乎你
Who ever said I give a shit about you? 誰說我在乎你了?
You never share your toys or communicate 你從來不和我分享你的玩具或是和我聊天
I guess I'm just a play date to you 我猜我只是你打發時間的約會對象


You know I give a fuck about you everyday 你知道我每天都超級在意你
Guess it's time that I tell you the truth 我猜是時候告訴你事實了
If I share my toys, will you let me stay? 如果我和你分享我的玩具,你會讓我留下嗎?
Don't want to leave this play date with you 不想要離開這個約會遊戲




Play date 一般來說是那種美國流行讓小孩在假日一起遊戲的聚會,不過在本歌裡更像是傲嬌的女主角對於對象若即若離的約會關係的形容~


    創作者 Melice 的頭像


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