The Way That I Love You 是當年推出 Let her go 紅遍天下的英國創作歌手 Passenger 在今年推出的新作品,以抒情、緩慢而溫柔的方式唱出對對方的感情。
How many times can I tell you 我可以不厭其煩地告訴妳
You're lovely just the way you are 妳自己原本的模樣就已經很可愛
Don't let the world come and change you 不要讓這個世界改變妳
Don't let life break your heart 不要讓生活打碎妳的心
You're lovely just the way you are 妳自己原本的模樣就已經很可愛
Don't let the world come and change you 不要讓這個世界改變妳
Don't let life break your heart 不要讓生活打碎妳的心
Don't put on their mask, don't wear their disguise 不要和別人一樣戴上面具、披上偽裝
Don't let them dim the light that shines in your eyes 別讓他們熄滅妳眼底的光
If only you could love yourself the way that I love you 如果妳可以像我愛你那般愛妳自己
Don't let them dim the light that shines in your eyes 別讓他們熄滅妳眼底的光
If only you could love yourself the way that I love you 如果妳可以像我愛你那般愛妳自己
How many times can I say 我可以再說無數次
You don't have to change a thing 妳不用改變任何事
Don't let the tide wash you away 不要讓生活將妳磨損
Don't let worry ever clip your wings 別讓這些擔憂束縛妳的翅膀
You don't have to change a thing 妳不用改變任何事
Don't let the tide wash you away 不要讓生活將妳磨損
Don't let worry ever clip your wings 別讓這些擔憂束縛妳的翅膀
Discard what is fake, keep what is real 丟棄那些虛假的、留下真實的就好
Pursue what you love, embrace how you feel 追求妳愛的、擁抱你的感受
If only you could love yourself the way that I love you 如果妳可以像我愛你那般愛妳自己
Pursue what you love, embrace how you feel 追求妳愛的、擁抱你的感受
If only you could love yourself the way that I love you 如果妳可以像我愛你那般愛妳自己
And if you ever choose a road that leads nowhere 而如果妳選擇走的路是一條死巷
All alone and you can't see right from wrong 一路上彷彿都是錯誤
And if you ever lose yourself out there 而如果妳就這樣迷失
Come on home and I'll sing you this song 那就回家讓我唱這首歌給妳聽吧
All alone and you can't see right from wrong 一路上彷彿都是錯誤
And if you ever lose yourself out there 而如果妳就這樣迷失
Come on home and I'll sing you this song 那就回家讓我唱這首歌給妳聽吧
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Passenger 的其他作品在這裡!
Passenger - A Song for the Drunk and Broken Hearted