

Oh, I'd have to be twice as tall at least 噢,我至少必須是現在的兩倍高大才行
To feel better than I do 才能比我現在感到更好
Yes, I'd have to be twice as tall at least 我至少必須是現在的兩倍高大才行
I mean me multiplied by two (By two) 我說的是我必須被乘以兩倍(乘以兩倍)
(I mean me multiplied by two, by two) (我說的是我必須被乘以兩倍,乘以兩倍)
Oh, I'd have to be thrice as wide at least 而我至少必須變得三倍寬
To feel better, you'll agree 才能感到更好,你會認同得
Yes, I'd have to be thrice as wide at least 我至少必須變得三倍寬
I mean me magnified by three (By three) 我說的是我必須被放大三倍(放大三倍)
(I mean me magnified by three, by three) (我說的是我必須被放大三倍,放大三倍)
I've been kinda hazy (Hazy) for days 我已經好幾天都過得渾渾噩噩了

I remember when I couldn't level up 我記得我不能升級的時候
I was trying, but I couldn't level up 我不斷嘗試,但我就是不能升級
It was rough, you see 你瞧,這很艱難
Start feeling like I had enough 我開始覺得我受夠了
Then I contemplate giving up (Ayy) 認真思考要放棄
If you're feeling like you can't level up 如果你正覺得你不能升級
Omo make you no stop at all 千萬不要停下來
Because right when you start feeling like you can't level up 因為正當你覺得你不能升級
That's when you haffi shut the devil up 就是你必須叫心魔閉嘴的時候
I remember when I couldn't level up 我記得我不能升級的時候
No, my money couldn't level up 我的錢不能變多
Doing what I must, seems like there's always another level up 只能做著我必須做的事,看起來好像有別得升級的方法
That's why you always found me looking up 所以你才會發現我在尋找
But sometimes inna my life you know me haffi rebel up 但有時候在我的人生中,你知道我必須反叛
Might hear about my fights in the club 你可能聽說我在夜店裡打的架
Every day me try and level up so me striking them hard 每天我試著要升等,所以我用力對抗
Me go hard until I get to God 我會一直努力直到我升天

Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko 繼續努力、追求完美
You can do it, woah, woah 你可以的
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop 永遠永遠永遠不要停下
Gueumeul sa bop way 相信你自己
Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko 繼續努力、追求完美
You can do it, woah, woah 你可以的
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop  永遠永遠永遠不要停下
Gueumeul sa bop way 相信你自己
Ah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

I remember when I couldn't level up 我記得我不能升級的時候
'Cause the Grammys had me feeling sick as fuck 因為沒贏葛萊美獎讓我覺得厭煩又討厭
Throwing up and shit 吐了又拉
Asking questions like, "Why it wasn't us?" 問著「為什麼不是我們?(得獎)」
Almost had a nigga feeling envious (Serious) 幾乎要讓一個黑人覺得忌妒(真的)
Tell 'em, say them can't bury us 告訴他們,他們不能埋起我們
Tell 'em, say them can't bury us 告訴他們,他們不能埋起我們
'Cause the love make me stand up every time when me fall 因為愛總是讓我在摔倒後重新站起來
Come back standing twice as tall (Mmm) 回來站著,是以前的兩倍高
I never thought that I could level up 我從沒想過我會升級
'Til I started filling all these venues up (Now it's regular) 直到我開始填滿這些場地
All I wanted was weed in my Rizla 我過去只想要我Rizla菸草裡的大麻
And some VVS to ice my bezel up (Run it up) 在我手錶上加些VVS
Some of my guys might never see the sun 我有些朋友或許從沒見過太陽
Some of them still peddle drugs (Run along) 有些人還在販賣毒品
If you know that you ain't never show me love 如果你知道的話你絕對不會愛我
And you like me better when me gun ah buss 而當我有槍在手時你比較愛我
Boy, I'm tellin' you 男孩讓我跟你說
I remember selling out my tour 我記得賣光巡迴演唱會門票的時候
I remember feeling legendary in Wembley Arena 我記得在 Wembley 會場感受如此傳奇
And you can never take the pride away from my mama 而你永遠不能奪走我媽媽感受到的驕傲
You'd be proud of me too if you knew where I was comin' from 如果你知道我的出生也會為我感到驕傲的
And to anybody wey dey doubts me 而那些曾經懷疑我的人啊
I swear to make sure you never forget about me 我發誓絕對會讓你忘不了我
If you think it's over, then you must be drowsy 如果你覺得這樣就結束了那你就太天真了
I'm a motherfucking legend and I say it proudly 我驕傲地說我是個傳奇

Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko 繼續努力、追求完美
You can do it, woah, woah 你可以的
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop 永遠永遠永遠不要停下
Gueumeul sa bop way 相信你自己
Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko 繼續努力、追求完美
You can do it, woah, woah 你可以的
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop  永遠永遠永遠不要停下
Gueumeul sa bop way 相信你自己
(Sometimes you're in a situation where you have no choice) (有時候你身在絕境而別無選擇)
Ah, yeah
(You have to fight) (你必須起身而戰)
Yeah, yeah
(Fight, my people) (戰鬥吧,我的子民)

Let's go 走吧
Let's go 走吧
Let's go 走吧
Don't be afraid to step into your greatness, people 別怕賭上你的偉大
I know it's scary 我知道這很嚇人
(Wake up) (醒來)
But it's magical 但這很神奇的


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