Laugh now Cry Later 其實是墨裔文化裡常見的哭笑面具紋身,有興趣的人可以去查查看~~

Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry, but I guess you know now, baby 有時我們笑,而有時我們哭,但我猜寶貝你現在知道了
I took a half and she took the whole thing, slow down, baby 我吞了一半,她吞了整顆,寶貝慢點
We took a trip, now we on your block and it's like a ghost town, baby 我們去了趟旅行,現在我們在你的街區而它看起來像鬼城
Where do these niggas be at when they say they doin' all this and all that? 當那些黑人說他們在這忙東忙西時人又在哪裡?

Tired of beefin' you bums, you can't even pay me enough to react 厭倦了講你那些懶惰鬼的是非,你付的甚至不夠我假裝一下
Been wakin' up in the crib and sometimes I don't even know where I'm at 在嬰兒床上醒來,而有時我甚至不知道我在哪裡
Please don't play that nigga songs in this party, I can't even listen to that 拜託不要在派對上撥那些黑人的歌,我真的聽不下去
Anytime that I ran into somebody, it must be a victory lap, ayy 每次我遇見某人,一定是個值得繞場一圈的勝利
Shawty come sit on my lap, ayy, they sayin' Drizzy just snapped 正妹來坐我腿上,他們說  Drizzy 才剛發飆
Distance between us is not like a store, this isn't a closeable gap, ayy 我們之間的距離不像是商店,之中沒有關上的可能
I seen some niggas attack and don't end up makin' it back 我看過有些黑人們攻擊而甚至沒有回來

I know that they at the crib goin' crazy, down bad 我知道有時候他們在嬰兒床上像是要瘋了
What they had didn't last, damn, baby 他們擁有的沒有永存,該死的

Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry, but I guess you know now, baby 有時我們笑,而有時我們哭,但我猜寶貝你現在知道了
I took a half and she took the whole thing, slow down, baby 我吞了一半,她吞了整顆,寶貝慢點
We took a trip, now we on your block and it's like a ghost town, baby 我們去了趟旅行,現在我們在你的街區而它看起來像鬼城
Where do these niggas be at when they say they doin' all this and all that? 當那些黑人說他們在這忙東忙西時人又在哪裡?

I'm in the trenches, relax 我在塹壕戰裡,別緊張
Can you not play that lil' boy in the club? 'Cause we do not listen to rats 你可以不要在夜店裡放那小男孩的歌嗎?因為我們才不聽老鼠唱歌
We in Atlanta, I buy her a wig, she tellin' me Tae is the best 當我們在亞特蘭大,我買了假髮給她,她告訴我 Tae 是最好的
Point at the nigga who act like a killer, but you only one for the 'net 指著一個看起來像殺手的黑人
I'm like DaBaby, I'm not just a rapper, you play with me, you gon' get stretched 我就像 DaBaby,不只是個唱饒舌的,你和我耍把戲,你會吃苦頭的
Bring Drake to the hood, surround Drake around Dracs 但Drake到樹林哩,讓 Dracs 環繞 Drake
Even though I got a case, I'ma do what it take 儘管我想我有一案,我還是要付出代價
And I never been embraced 我從沒被接受
And the money's hard to make 而錢又很難賺
So I bet they on they face right now 所以我猜他們現在又在擺臉色了

I know that they at the crib goin' crazy, down bad 我知道有時候他們在嬰兒床上像是要瘋了
What they had didn't last, damn, baby 他們擁有的沒有永存,該死的

Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry, but I guess you know now, baby 有時我們笑,而有時我們哭,但我猜寶貝你現在知道了
I took a half and she took the whole thing, slow down, baby 我吞了一半,她吞了整顆,寶貝慢點
We took a trip, now we on your block and it's like a ghost town, baby 我們去了趟旅行,現在我們在你的街區而它看起來像鬼城
Where do these niggas be at when they say they doin' all this and all that? 當那些黑人說他們在這忙東忙西時人又在哪裡?

When he tell the story, that's not how it went 當他講這個故事時,其實不是這樣發生的
Know they be lyin', a hundred percent 我知道他們在說謊,百分之百
Moved out the Ritz and forgot 'bout the Bent' 把Ritz移出情節而忘了Bent
Valet just called me to tell me come get it Valet才剛打來叫我想要就去拿
Knocked that boy off and I don't want no credit 打倒那個男孩而我並不想要居功
If it was me, they wouldn't regret it 如果這是發生在我身上,他們不會後悔的
Left me for dead and now they wan' dead it, yeah 留下我等死
Heart is still beatin', my niggas still eatin' 心臟還在跳動,我的黑人們還在吃
Backyard, it look like the Garden of Eden 後院,看起來就像伊甸園
Pillow talk with 'em, she spillin' the tea 和他們枕邊細語,她講著八卦
And then shawty came back and said she didn't mean it 而那個正妹回來了並說她不是那個意思
It's hard to believe it 實在是很難相信

I know that they at the crib goin' crazy, down bad 我知道有時候他們在嬰兒床上像是要瘋了
What they had didn't last, damn, baby 他們擁有的沒有永存,該死的

Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry, but I guess you know now, baby 有時我們笑,而有時我們哭,但我猜寶貝你現在知道了
I took a half and she took the whole thing, slow down, baby 我吞了一半,她吞了整顆,寶貝慢點
We took a trip, now we on your block and it's like a ghost town, baby 我們去了趟旅行,現在我們在你的街區而它看起來像鬼城
Where do these niggas be at when they say they doin' all this and all that? 當那些黑人說他們在這忙東忙西時人又在哪裡?


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