THE SCOTTS 是最近很紅的一首饒舌歌,也是由嘻哈界當紅的 THE SCOTTS、 Travis Scott 、 Kid Cudi 等人共同合作推出的單曲,喜歡饒舌樂的朋友千萬別錯過了!
Let's go 我們走
We see the hype outside 我們看見外面的熱血沸騰
Right from the house, uh 就在這屋子外面
Took it straight from outside (Yeah) 直接從外面引進來
Straight to the couch 直接到我們的沙發上
We put the mic outside (Yeah) 我們把麥克風放到外面
Air this shit out, uh (Mmm) 大聲撥放這旋律
You lettin' THE SCOTTS outside (Yeah) 你讓 SCOTTS 一夥人出來了
We runnin' the scouts (Mmm) 我們在偵查環境
Ain't no controllin' the gang (Yeah, yeah, yeah) 沒在管制幫派的
They never leave (Mmm) 他們永遠不會離開
I got tats over my veins (Yeah) 劣質的東西充斥我的血管
'Cause that what I bleed (Mmm) 這就是我流血的原因
She drink a lot of the bourbon (Yeah) 她喝很多波本酒
Like she from the street 就像她是來自街頭一樣
We got control of the flows and, huh, uh, uh 我們掌控了這股潮流
We heard that your way went dry (Yeah) 我們聽說你已經枯竭
We floodin' the drought, uh 我們為乾旱帶來大水
Heard that your hood outside (Yeah) 聽見你引擎蓋的聲響
We added some routes 我們新增了一些路線
We havin' the goods outside (Mmm) 我們在外有些好貨
Move it in and out 進進出出移動它
You lettin' THE SCOTTS outside (Mmm) 你讓 SCOTTS 一夥出來了
We runnin' the scouts 我們在偵查環境
Nigga, the cops outside 黑人,警察就在外頭
Lock up the house (Yeah, yeah) 記得鎖上房子
We keep the team on high (Huh) 我們讓團隊士氣高漲
Some gold in they mouth (Yeah, yeah) 他們有些人嘴裡有些黃金
Nigga, the Porsche outside 黑人,保時捷就停在外頭
Without the top (Yeah, yeah, nigga, yeah) 沒穿上衣
She want a mimosa-sa (Yeah) 她想要一杯含羞草雞尾酒
Bring in the shots (Yeah, yeah, yeah) 拿出幾杯 shots
Tell these phony bitches, "Beat it" 告訴這些女的「乾杯」
With that Photoshoppin' body, Adobe, help me 有著修圖軟體修出來的好身材,Adobe 幫幫我嗎
She in there makin' panini 她在裡面烤著帕尼尼
She know I got all the bread, she know me, got it 她知道麵包都在我這裡,她知道的
On my hustle, havin' visions 我每天奔忙、有著理想
It's been a minute since my niggas done owned it, howdy (Huh, huh) 我的黑人夥伴們掌握這已經有一陣了,你好啊
Cleveland boy, he make 'em pay 來自克里夫蘭的一個男孩負責要他們付錢
Yes, that Cleveland boy, he done made a way, hey 沒錯,那個克里夫蘭的男孩,他已經找出方法
Headed for somewhere to go, anywhere cinema these, these 隨便前往一個地方,可能是間戲院
Niggas don't know where to go, gotta keep givin' em heat, heat (Yeah) 黑人不知道要去哪裡 要一直給他們熱度、熱度
Time to go double though, time they add up the math, mad 該達到雙倍了,他們把數字加總起來,感到生氣
And I've been dealin' with so many things, havin' so many dreams 而我一直都在處理這麼多事、有這麼多夢
Let's go 我們走
對於不熟悉口語用法的我翻譯起饒舌音樂還是有點吃力XDD 希望未來會繼續進步可以翻得更好!
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Travis Scott 的其他作品這邊請~
Travis Scott - SICKO MODE ft. Drake
Travis Scott - The Plan (電影天能 TENET 主題曲 / 配樂 / 片尾曲)
Travis Scott ft. Young Thug, M.I.A. - FRANCHISE