Sunday Best 是一首輕快又 Chill 的歌,在放鬆的旋律中告訴大家一切都會沒事的!

Surfaces 是來自美國的雙人團體,他們希望他們的音樂能夠為這個世界帶來正能量和愛,過去也陸續推出了幾首頗獲好評的歌曲,2017 年才創立的樂團現在就有這樣的成績真的很不容易!




Feeling good, like I should 就和我理應一樣感覺不錯
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood 在社區附近散了個步
Feeling blessed, never stressed 覺得無比幸運,而從沒感到壓力
Got that sunshine on my sunday best 我悠閒的周日有最好的陽光

Everyday can be a better day despite the challenge 儘管面臨挑戰每天都還是可以變得更好
All you gotta do is leave it better than you found it  你需要做的就是讓它比你剛發現時變得更好
It's gonna get difficult to stand but hold your balance 要保持站立確實困難但你要找到平行
I just say whatever cause there is no way around it cause 我說了隨便 因為沒有別的方法

Everyone falls down sometimes 每個人都有自己的低潮
But you just gotta know it'll all be fine 你要知道,這些最終都會沒事的
It's ok, uh-huh 沒事的
It's ok, it's ok 沒事的、沒事的

Feeling good, like I should 就和我理應一樣感覺不錯
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood 在社區附近散了個步
Feeling blessed, never stressed 覺得無比幸運,而從沒感到壓力
Got that sunshine on my sunday best 我悠閒的周日有最好的陽光

Somedays you wake up and nothing works you feel surrounded 有時你起床而沒一件事順心
Gotta give your feet some gravity to get you grounded 必須讓你的腳有點重力才能站穩
Keep good things inside your ears just like the waves and sound did 將好的事情保留在耳朵內,就像海浪和海潮聲
And just say whatever cause there is no way around it 而說隨便吧因為沒有別的方法

Everyone falls down sometimes 每個人都有自己的低潮
But you just gotta know it'll all be fine 但你要知道一切都會沒事的
It's ok, uh-huh 沒事的
It's ok, it's ok 沒事的、沒事的

Feeling good, like I should 就和我理應一樣感覺不錯
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood 在社區附近散了個步
Feeling blessed, never stressed 覺得無比幸運,而從沒感到壓力
Got that sunshine on my sunday best 我悠閒的周日有最好的陽光

Feeling good, like I should 就和我理應一樣感覺不錯
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood 在社區附近散了個步
Feeling blessed, never stressed 覺得無比幸運,而從沒感到壓力
Got that sunshine on my sunday best 我悠閒的周日有最好的陽光




這首歌的 MV 也很可愛~~~

Colin 和 Forrest 感覺就是感情很好的麻吉哈哈 希望他們的樂團可以繼續順利發展下去!


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Surfaces 的其他作品~
Surfaces - Wave of You

    創作者 Melice 的頭像


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