Ride It 這首歌的原曲是來自歌手Jay Sean在2008年發行的專輯My Own Way中的曲目
當時就是熱門歌曲的Ride It
在2019年底由DJ Regard重新混音後
隔了12年然後又紅一次真是不可思議 Jay Sean應該很開心哈哈
(Let me feel you)
It's been about a month and twenty days 已經過了一個月又二十天
And we're going round and round just playing silly games 我們就只是兜著圈子玩些愚蠢的遊戲
Now you're saying, slow it down, not right now 現在你說要放慢步調、不是現在
Then you wink at me and walk away 然後你對我眨個眼後走離
Now, let it be, let it be, let it be known 現在就承認這個感覺吧
Hold on, don't go 抓緊它,別離開
Touching and teasing me, telling me no 觸碰並挑逗我,然後卻又向我說不
But this time I need to feel you 但這次我需要好好感受你
Ride it, we are all alone 就乘著這個浪潮吧,我們都是寂寞的
Ride it, just lose control 乘著浪潮,失去控制
Ride it, ride it, come touch my soul 乘著浪潮,乘著浪潮,來觸碰我的靈魂
Ride it, ride, let me feel you 乘著浪潮,讓我感受你
Ride it, turn the lights down low 乘著浪潮,把燈光調暗點
Ride it, from head to toe 乘著浪潮,從頭到腳
Ride it, ride it, touch my soul 乘著浪潮,乘著浪潮,觸碰我的靈魂
Ride it, ride, let me feel you 乘著浪潮,讓我感受你
Movida was the club on the Saturday 在週六的那個Movida俱樂部
You're acting like a diva saying you don't wanna pay 你表現得像個女王,說你不想付帳
It's gotta be your feisty style, raised eyebrow 這一定是你的爭吵風格,挑起眉毛
I love it when you look at me that way 我喜歡你像那樣看我的時候
Now we're in-you order a Mohito at the bar 現在我們在酒吧哩,你點了一杯雞尾酒
You re-apply lippy cos it came off on the glass 你補了唇膏,因為它都印在玻璃杯上了
The DJ plays your favourite song, Kanye's on DJ放著你最愛的Kanye的歌
Now you're beckoning for me to dance 現在你向我朝著手要我去跳舞
Mmmm, pullin me, pullin me, pullin me close 把我拉的更靠近
Just close your eyes girl 閉上雙眼吧,女孩
Whispering, tellin' me we gotta go 輕聲告訴我,我們該走了
Won't you take me home I want to ride it 帶我回家,我想乘著這個情緒的浪潮
Ride it, we are all alone 就乘著這個浪潮吧,我們都是寂寞的
Ride it, just lose control 乘著浪潮,失去控制
Ride it, ride it, come touch my soul 乘著浪潮,乘著浪潮,來觸碰我的靈魂
Ride it, ride, let me feel you 乘著浪潮,讓我感受你
Ride it, turn the lights down low 乘著浪潮,把燈光調暗點
Ride it, from head to toe 乘著浪潮,從頭到腳
Ride it, ride it, touch my soul 乘著浪潮,乘著浪潮,觸碰我的靈魂
Ride it, ride, let me feel you 乘著浪潮,讓我感受你
Everything was right until her phone began to ring 一切都感覺很對,直到她的電話響起
She takes it to the corner that's when I start wondering 當她接起電話走到角落時,我開始困惑
I can hear her shouting, banging fists against the door 我能聽到她大喊,捶著門板
Yelling "Yo it's over I can't take it any more" 喊著"這一切都結束了,我無法再忍受了"
Then I walk away and act all nonchalant and chill 然後我離開並假裝很平靜、沒事
I ain't tryna get all caught up in her mess for real 我並沒有想要真的和她那團混亂扯上關係
But she came on out and backed me up against the wall 但她追上來並把我抵在牆邊
She said I know you heard but I'll make you forget it all 她說我知道你聽見了,但我會讓你忘記那一切
Baby let me feel you 讓我感受你吧,寶貝
Ride it, we are all alone 就乘著這個浪潮吧,我們都是寂寞的
Ride it, just lose control 乘著浪潮,失去控制
Ride it, ride it, come touch my soul 乘著浪潮,乘著浪潮,來觸碰我的靈魂
Ride it, ride, let me feel you 乘著浪潮,讓我感受你
Ride it, turn the lights down low 乘著浪潮,把燈光調暗點
Ride it, from head to toe 乘著浪潮,從頭到腳
Ride it, ride it, touch my soul 乘著浪潮,乘著浪潮,觸碰我的靈魂
Ride it, ride, let me feel you 乘著浪潮,讓我感受你
但歌詞相對來說保守很多 沒有那麼露骨哈哈